
I-405 Sepulveda Pass Widening
Kiewit Construction has awarded Western Paving a $6.9 Million subcontract for the asphalt paving. Western will provide asphalt paving on the 405 freeway and adjacent City of Los Angeles streets. The owner is the MTA of Los Angeles.
Cars Land Disneyland
Clark Construction is the general contractor and has awarded Western Paving a subcontract for $475,000. The project includes both front and back of house paving and also includes colored asphalt. The owner is the Disneyland Resort.
Pier G - Port of Long Beach
Western Paving is currently working on this $2.4 Million subcontract awarded by FTR International. The subcontract provides for multiple phases over a three year period. The owner is the Port of Long Beach.
Taxilane "S" - LAX
Flatiron West has awarded a $1.1 Million subcontract to Western Paving for the asphalt paving at Taxilane "S". The owner is Los Angeles World Airport (LAWA).
Santa Monica Place Renovation
Western Paving provided demolition, grading, concrete and asphalt paving as part of our $385,000 subcontract with Whiting Turner. The owner was Macerish Property Management.
Orangeline San Fernando Busway
Western Paving has completed our $7.5 Million subcontract for asphalt paving which included 12 miles of busway, 12 miles of bike trail and 1.1 Million SF of parking lots. Our client was Shimmick-Obayashi. The owner was the MTA of Los Angeles.
Western Paving provided demolition, asphalt paving, storm drain relocation, site concrete, seal coat and stripping. Our prime contract was $975,000. The work included rebuilding backstage roads, including the parade route. All Disney operations remained open during construction. Our client was the Disneyland Resort.
San Joaquin Reservoir
Western Paving has recently completed work on the $1,750,000 subcontract awarded to us by Chino Grading. Our scope included repaving a large portion of the bottom of this 100' deep reservoir, repaving the 3:1 slpoes of the reservoir and finally repaving the perimeter roads. The owner is the Irvine Ranch Water District.
FEDEX Ground Los Angeles
Our $738,000 prime contract included coldplanning, paving fabric, asphalt paving, seal coat and stripping. The facility remained open during all phases of our work. Our client was FEDEX. |
Western Paving
15533 E. Arrow Highway
Irwindale, Ca. 91706-2002
Phone: (626) 338.7889
Fax: (626) 338.3799
E-Mail: Rene Isenhart |